Why join the catalog !?

1.Cross-promotion and referrals: Being part of a directory means that your work can be recommended to other customers or businesses looking for similar products or services. Cross-promotion like this can be a very effective way to attract new customers and promote the growth of your store.

2. Access to new markets and customer groups: The directory can provide access to new markets and customer groups, which can be especially useful if you aim to expand your business or reach new customers. This can help you expand your customer base and increase the growth of your store.

3. Deciding to join the directory can be an important step in your personal and professional development. This can provide many opportunities and potential for successful work. Keep exploring and considering your options, and if you're ready to take on the challenge, it can be a step towards new and exciting opportunities! The catalog is aimed at long-term cooperation, so do not expect immediate results. It should also be noted that the catalog may be full of your competitors offering similar or even identical products or services. It may require more effort from you to highlight your business or individual work and attract customers.

4. Some catalogs may have entry fees or subscription costs, which may be an additional financial burden for entrepreneurs. In addition, there may also be commissions for each sale - click, which can affect your profits. Currently and in the near future - is and will be a free product catalog.

5. Dependence on the platform: Too much dependence on a particular platform can create a risk if the platform changes its rules or stops its operation. This can affect your business or career if you don't have alternative customer acquisition or sales channels. Therefore, carefully evaluate alternative platforms or your existing terms of operation.

6.Regulatory and regulatory restrictions: Some directories may have strict regulations or rules that limit your activity or require additional effort and resources to comply with. Therefore, read the requirements carefully.

7. Another opinion. Quality control and feedback. Being part of a catalog can mean you have to maintain high quality and ensure positive feedback from all your customers. This can be challenging, especially if your services or products do not meet the standards of the catalog, so to speak, or if you have problems with customer satisfaction in a particular catalog. There is currently no mechanism to 100% control the veracity of reviews, so you have to be able to take criticism, sometimes directly from your competitors.

8.Sales Control: Some catalogs may limit your control over the sales process, such as pricing, promotions, advertising, customer communications, editing of public notices, etc. This can be disruptive if you want complete control over your business or customer experience.

9. Given these options, it is important to carefully evaluate whether joining the directory is the right move for your particular situation. This requires understanding your goals and careful planning to ensure you make a well-informed decision that meets your needs and goals. If you are a small or medium-sized online store - you are welcome to fill out the application form!

To add the online store you need to fill in the application form.
The rules and a sample file can be found here.
Cataloging is free.